Monday, December 5, 2011

Fear 3 and some other stuff.

I'm pretty late to the party in posting these. Most of these are well over a year old, but some are from a project that got canned this past week. Which also had the ripple effect of layoff's.... So I'm back on the market looking for a new job!


Kan Muftic said...

wow, amazing work!

Sukh said...

Great dump, dude! I need to play these Fear games. I'm sorry to hear about the lay off but I'm sure with your skill you'll get work soon.

Powell said...

Kan- Thanks buddy!

Shoki- Thanks man, I hope so!

Tom Scholes said...

Nice nice! Hope you land on your feet, you deserve better amigo !

Eytan Zana said...

SAWEEET! Love it!